PIXILAB Blocks version 6 brings a slew of new features, enhancing Blocks' unique mix of display, control and interaction capabilities.
Chief among those is the new ability to collect, aggregate and act upon data in order to provide a more Personal Visitor Experience. Use RFID, QR codes or mobile phones to learn where visitors are. Share photos, collect game scores or information along the way. Offer incentives and unlock hidden treasures based on previous actions. Give personalized feedback to visitors while on-site, send follow-up emails with memorable moments afterwards and gather statistics for analyzing behaviors.
Other news include Live Video enhancements, new Camera and QR Scanner blocks, 3D lighting/shadow options, pan/tilt control and NFC support for mobile devices. The new Block Caching feature of our player software minimizes data traffic over wifi or the internet – it even lets players work offline for stand-alone playback.
Finally, new and flexible licensing options make Blocks more affordable for all kinds of applications.
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