The Netherlands
Tottenhamstraat 1
7701BL Dedemsvaart
The Netherlands-EU
+31 85 222 23 37
Company Information
KissBox is a company specialising in network based protocol transceivers.
KissBox transceivers are designed as a simple way to transmit-receive control protocol data like MIDI, DMX, RS232/422/485, LTC-Timecode, Contact-Closure, Analog Control-voltage and more, over standard Ethernet networks. With minimum and controlled latency.
A typical KissBox based control system consists of one or more KissBoxes, a network and a controller running control-software. The controller can be any type of IP based software (e.g. Blocks) or hardware.
A KissBox can be configured to work with many TCP or UDP based IP control protocols (e.g. RTP-MIDI, ArtNet, ModbusTCP). Controlling applications can also utilise the simple KISS-protocol to communicate with a KissBox.
Another feature of the KissBox control transceivers is the compliance with the IEEE802.3af – PoE (Power over Ethernet) standard. This means the KissBoxes are powered via their Ethernet connection.