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blocks:drivers:tools [2024-03-14 13:02]
mattias [Install the Scripts]
blocks:drivers:tools [2024-03-14 13:04] (current)
mattias [Install the Scripts]
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 The first three items shown above are directories, containing the files obtained from github. They may contain additional files and directories if you had driver or other scripts installed before. The first three items shown above are directories, containing the files obtained from github. They may contain additional files and directories if you had driver or other scripts installed before.
-:!: Please note that files in usethat means files copied from the archive i.e drivers-archive to drivers is not updated automatically, such files must be copied from the archive to the activate directory manually. Currently that applies to user, driver, and feed directories.+:!: Please note that files made available to Blockswhich means files copied from the archive i.e drivers-archive to drivers is not updated automatically, such files must be copied from the archive to the activate directory manually. Currently that applies to user, driver, and feed directories.
 ==== Running VSCode for the First Time ==== ==== Running VSCode for the First Time ====