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Work In Progress

Use a text file to provide some text data to Blocks

This application note shows how you can use a list of text from a .TXT file as a dynamic data source and use that in Blocks. The data in this example lists a number of citys in Europe,

Installation and Usage

You need a computer with a running blocks server and a web browser to run this application note. Here's the Blocks root for this application note. See the the general setup section for details on downloading and installation. Once that general setup is done, follow these steps to run the application note:

  1. Start Blocks.
  2. Open the Blocks editor using the Admin button.
  3. Log in using the proper credentials (default user name is admin and the password is pixi).
  4. Open a second browser window to the same address as the editor window, but replace /edit/xxx with /spot to act as a simulated Display Spot.
  5. Back in the Blocks editor, double-click the display spot named Lobby.
  6. Assign this display spot to the ID shown in the second browser window and click OK.
  7. The list of visitors should appear in the simulated Display Spot browser window.

There are two blocks in this application note. The "Visitor1" block just renders all the visitors specified in the CSV file (see above). The one named "Visitor2" also shows the visitors' scheduled arrival time, and exclude visitors that have already left. Drag the "Visitor2" block to the "Lobby" spot to see how it works. Depending on the time of day, you may see more or fewer visitors. A blue dot marks all current visitors.

Behind the Scenes