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URL Query Parameters

You can control a number of aspects pf the editor as well as during playback using parameters embedded in the URL. These are formally known as search parameters, but are often referred to as query parameters. Such parameters follow the path in the URL used in a web browser, separated by a question mark:

This shows a single parameter named mobile with the value Visitor added to a Blocks URL used for playback (as indicated by the spot path).

To add multiple parameters, append them separated by an ampersand:,t2

This adds a tags parameter with the value t1,t2.

:!: NOTE: Do not type spaces in a path. if you need to enter a space, type %20 instead of the space.

Spot parameters

The following parameters can be added to a spot URL (as shown in the examples above):

  • mobile specifies that this is a Visitor spot, with the value being the Spot path to a Visitor spot in Blocks. If this is at the top level, it's just the name of the Visitor spot. If the Visitor spot is in a group, indicate the full path including enclosing group names, with each level separated by a period.
  • class applies a CSS class to the spot, where the value is the CSS class name. This can then be used to style some display spots differently. More about CSS styling here.