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To make Blocks serve your content over HTTPS you have to add a certificate for your domain and configure Blocks to use it. Follow the steps below:

  1. Place the certificate, ending with .p12, in your PIXILAB-Blocks-root folder (located in the home directory of the user account under which you run the server).
  2. Open your Blocks server configuration file.
  3. Under server.applicationConnectors, make sure the following properties exists under https:
    • server:
        type: pixilab_server
          - type: http
          - type: https
            port: 9443
            keyStorePath: "/home/pixi-server/cert.p12"
            keyStoreType: "PKCS12"
            keyStorePassword: "..."
  4. keyStorePath is the path poiting to your certificate file.
  5. keyStoreType is the type of certificate we use, in our case "PKCS12".
  6. keyStorePassword is the password for your certificates private key.