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blocks:lighting:fixture_definitions [2018-06-25 07:17]
admin Removed s from FixtureS
blocks:lighting:fixture_definitions [2021-03-05 12:26] (current)
admin Link to app note in case something else links here.
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-====== Blocks Lighting Fixture Definitions ====== +This page has movedand is now found [[blocks:app-note:art-net-dmx|here]].
- +
-A fixture definition describes a lighting instrumentsuch as a multi-color light or a moving-head light, controllable over Artnet/DMX-512. Using such a definition makes it easier to use by assigning meaningful names to its functions, rather than working with raw DMX channel numbers.  +
- +
-A set of lighting fixture definitions usable with PIXILAB Blocks can be found here: +
- +
-https://github.com/pixilab/blocks-fixtures +
- +
-To use any of these definitions, do as follows: +
- +
-  Download the entire github repo as a ZIP and unpack (or clone the repo if yu're familiar with git). +
-  - Copy the desired brand name folder(s) into the //fixtures// directory located inside your PIXILAB-Blocks-root directory. +
- +
-The fixture definitions now appear grouped by brand and model under //Manage, Artnet// in Blocks.  +
- +
-A few basic and common fixture types can be found under the //Generic// brand. Due to the simple file format, it's quite easy to add a definition for other fixtures you want to use with Blocks, based on the information found below. +
- +
-**NOTE:** These definitions were partially derived from the excellent //Open Fixture Library// found at https://open-fixture-library.org +
-==== Folder/File Structure ==== +
- +
-The //fixtures// directory holds a simple folder/file structure: +
- +
-  * It contains one subdirectory per supported brand, plus one named //Generic//, containing a few common definitions that aren't brand specific. +
-  * Inside each subdirectory, there's a description file for each fixture, with the fixture's model name. These files have a //.json// extension, and are formatted according to the JSON standard. +
- +
-===== Ceating a Fixture Definition ===== +
- +
-As mentioned above, it's quite straightforward to write a definition file for a fixture. Please refer to the documentation found on our [[https://github.com/pixilab/blocks-fixtures|github]] page for details. If you make a definition file that you know work with a particular fixture, we'd be happy to add it to the github repo. Drop us an email at info@pixilab.se with a zipped copy of the definition, along with the make and model it describes. +