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Advanced IP configurations using Netplan

Webmin is a very good remote tool to administrate a Linux server. However, it has it's built in limitations. Some advanced setups, such as VLANs, can not be done with Webmin. In such cases you can use Netplan to apply advanced configurations. To do so, you must log in as pixi-admin. Edit the file /etc/netplan/[interface}.yaml where [interface] normally is the system interface name ie eno1 but can be anything. Using this method is recommended for any advanced network setup such as vlan etc.

This code shows an example of the BLOCKS default IP setting.

            addresses: ['']

:!: You must adhere to a correct code indent for each line of the block. In other words, the prefix number of spaces for each line is important. A tip is to use Atom or similar editor with a yaml plugin enabled.

All you need to do is to change the IP address stored with the tag addresses: to you desired IP address and netmask. More information how to configure the more complex network setups with examples can be found here ( If you are running a DHCP and DNS, the records and subnets must be updated accordingly.