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blocks:app-note:panorama [2021-02-15 08:03]
admin [Installation]
blocks:app-note:panorama [2024-05-28 07:09] (current)
admin Added aspect ratio note
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 ==== Requirements ==== ==== Requirements ====
-The Panorama block requires Blocks 4.3 or later. Furthermore, this is a //premium block type//, which is an optional add-on to your Blocks license. Display spots will show a placeholder instead of the panorama image if this option isn't included in your license key.+The Panorama block requires Blocks 4.3 or later. Furthermore, this is a //premium block type//, which is an optional add-on to your Blocks license. Display spots will show a placeholder instead of the panorama image if this option isn't included in your license.
 ===== Installation ===== ===== Installation =====
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 ===== Obtaining Panoramic Images ===== ===== Obtaining Panoramic Images =====
-The Panorama block requires a 360 degree [[https://wiki.panotools.org/Equirectangular_Projection|equirectangular image]]. There are numerous on-line collections of equirectangular images to try out, such as these:+The Panorama block requires a 360 degree [[https://wiki.panotools.org/Equirectangular_Projection|equirectangular image]] with a 2:1 aspect ratio (i.e., twice as wide as it is tall). There are numerous on-line collections of equirectangular images to try out, such as these:
   * http://photopin.com/free-photos/equirectangular   * http://photopin.com/free-photos/equirectangular