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blocks:app-note:3d_block [2023-03-17 10:50]
mattias [3D Block]
blocks:app-note:3d_block [2025-01-20 15:28] (current)
admin Added DRACO suggestion
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-=== Reducing 3D Model Complexity ===+=== Optimizing 3D Models ===
-Some 3D models may be too complex to display in Blocks with adequate performance. A very large model takes longer to load, requires more memory during playback and interaction may be sluggish. This is often the case for models obtained using a 3D scanner. To use such a model in Blocks, you may need to reduce its complexity:+Some 3D models may be too complex to display in Blocks with adequate performance. A very large model takes longer to load, requires more memory during playback and interaction may be sluggish. 
-  * Decimate the number of triangles used in the model file to express its geometry.  +The first thing you can try to speed things up a bit is to enable compression when saving the model, assuming your 3D editor of choice can do so. Blocks supports [[https://www.khronos.org/news/press/khronos-announces-gltf-geometry-compression-extension-google-draco|DRACO compression]] of the geometry dataIf the model uses numerous or large textures, you can try replacing those with lower resolution images. If the original textures are in the PNG formatyou can often save a lot by using JPEG images instead (requires updating the texture file references to match in your 3D program).
-  * Reduce the resolution of the textures applied to the modeland save them using the JPEG format.+
-This is a manual and often time consuming process, that requires specialized tools and skills. A general-purpose 3D program, such as Blender mentioned above, can be used as part of this process. Look for terms such as "simplification" or "decimate" that can be applied to complex meshes. There are also a few free, specialized programs such as [[https://www.meshlab.net|Meshlab]] and [[https://github.com/wjakob/instant-meshes|Instant Meshes]], as well as several commercial alternatives.+For models obtained using a 3D scanner, you may need to reduce the number of triangles used to express its geometry. This is a manual and often time consuming process, requiring specialized tools and skills. A general-purpose 3D program, such as Blender mentioned above, can be used as part of this process. Look for terms such as "simplification" or "decimate" that can be applied to complex meshes. There are also a few free, specialized programs such as [[https://www.meshlab.net|Meshlab]] and [[https://github.com/wjakob/instant-meshes|Instant Meshes]], as well as several commercial alternatives.
 ===== Resources ===== ===== Resources =====