In recent builds Ubuntu uses Netplan to configure the network settings. In a basic setup it is possible to use Webmin to do this. However due to some open bugs in Webmin this will not work very well in more complex setups.
Multiple interfaces, vlans and bonds will require the actual Netplan .yaml files to be edited.
The configuration files is kept in etc/netplan and logged in as pixi-admin using the terminal.
To see files the yaml:
ls /etc/netplan/
To edit a file:
sudo nano /etc/netplan/[yourfile.yaml]
This incredibly simple configuration tells the system that the enp3s0 device is to be brought up using DHCP4. Netplan also supports DHCPv6, as well as static IPs, setting routes, etc.
network: version: 2 renderer: networkd ethernets: enp3s0: dhcp4: true
The name enp3s0 shown above may vary with your hardware. See available network interfaces on your computer using the ifconfig command line program.
Please have a look at more advanced examles from the Netplan website.
To apply a new setting with automatic rollback:
sudo netplan try
To apply a new setting:
sudo netplan apply
To get some debug information:
sudo netplan --debug try