====== Server Desktop Sharing ====== Most server management can be handled either through the BLOCKS user interface or using the [[advanced_server_configuration|webmin]] interface. However, you may occasionally need to have desktop-level access to the server. Having a mouse and keyboard connected to the server is the simplest way to accomplish this. If your server is in a location that is hard to access, you may instead access it using Desktop Sharing, which is a way to connect remotely to the server from another computer on the same network. ==== Enable Desktop Sharing ==== To enable Desktop Sharing: - Click the topmost icon in the desktop "dock" toolbar to bring up the search field. - Type //sharing// into the search field (see below). - Click the "Sharing" icon to open the Sharing settings. {{:blocks:desk-share:screenshot_from_2019-08-29_10-59-47.png?nolink&800|}} Enable sharing configuration by sliding the topmost on/off switch to on. Click screen sharing. . {{:blocks:desk-share:screenshot_from_2019-08-29_11-00-04.png?nolink&800|}} Configure the settings as shown below, specifying a secure password. Note that this password is independent of other passwords used with the server. :!: Never mind the Screen Sharing on/off switch here, which doesn't work. Just close the window to save the password. {{:blocks:desk-share:screenshot_from_2019-08-29_11-41-04.png?nolink&800|}} Now close the sharing dialog and open the startup applications settings. {{:blocks:desk-share:startup.png?nolink&800|}} Check the Remote desktop option and just close the window. {{:blocks:desk-share:startup_applications.png?nolink&800|}} :!: Restart the server. You can now connect to the server from another computer with any client supporting the common VNC protocol ie MacOS built-in Screen Sharing application. If you get a message related to "incompatible encryption", you can either switch to another client that does support encryption (such as [[https://turbovnc.org/About/TigerVNC|TurboVNC]]), or disable the encryption used for Desktop Sharing. :!: Disabling the Desktop Sharing encryption, or even just enabling Desktop Sharing, may pose security risks. Do not do this if your server is on a publicly accessible network (including being accessible from a public wifi network). To disable the encryption used for Desktop Sharing, open a terminal window on the server by clicking the Terminal button in the toobar on the left hand side, then type the following command into the terminal window and press //return//: ''gsettings set org.gnome.Vino require-encryption false'' {{ :blocks:desk-share:relax_encryption.png?nolink |}} **NOTE**: If you need to remotely access the server's desktop from far away, you can do so securely using a VPN connection to the in-house network. Setting up a VPN connection is an advanced topic, not covered in this guide. ==== Operating the Server from Another Computer ==== Once the client connects to the server, you can operate it from the remote computer using its mouse and keyboard. Here the server is being remote-controlled from a Mac. {{ :blocks:desk-share:mac_access.png?nolink |}} :!: **IMPORTANT:** The Remote Desktop feature of Ubuntu will not work unless theres a display connected to the server. Either keep a display connected (and turned off), or plug in a "VGA Dummy" or "[[https://www.amazon.com/Headless-Display-Emulator-Headless-1920x1080-generation/dp/B06XT1Z9TF|HDMI Dummy]]" plug to simulate a connected display.