====== Blocks Application Notes ====== Blocks application notes provide inspiration and make it easy to try out ideas, hone your Blocks skills and learn best practices. Many application note come with a complete set of files that includes everything you need to run it on your Blocks system (see below for installation notes). * [[blocks:app-note:countdown|A basic countdown timer]] * [[blocks:app-note:controlling-a-pc|Remote control of a PC from Blocks]] * [[blocks:app-note:basic-interaction-from-a-custom-web-page|Basic Interaction from a Custom Web Page]] * [[blocks:app-note:interacting-from-a-custom-web-page|Advanced Interaction from a Custom Web Page]] * [[blocks:app-note:intra-browser-communication|Integrating a Spot with a custom web page]] * [[blocks:app-note:currenttime|Animated wall clock ]] * [[blocks:app-note:linear-position-sensor| Use a linear position sensor to move content]] * [[blocks:app-note:publishphoto|Take a photo and publish on Spot]] * [[blocks:app-note:publishscribble|Scribble on one Spot then publish to another]] * [[blocks:app-note:takephotoscribblethenpublish|Adding hand-drawn elements to a photo]] * [[blocks:app-note:audioguide|Audio guide application]] * [[blocks:app-note:before-after|A before/after comparision]] * [[blocks:app-note:password|Partial password protection]] * [[blocks:app-note:panorama|Creating a 360 degree panorama]] * [[blocks:app-note:world_clock|World clock]] * [[blocks:app-note:networkcamera|Network camera over RTSP]] * [[blocks:app-note:interactivemap|An clickable, interactive map]] * [[blocks:app-note:displaymediaselector|A remote control sending Blocks to Spots]] * [[blocks:app-note:3d_block|Displaying a clickable 3D object]] * [[blocks:app-note:collection-feed|Using external data sources]] * [[blocks:live-video|Using live video in Blocks]] * [[blocks:app-note:time-keeping|Clocks and Time-keeping]] * [[blocks:app-note:art-net-dmx|Art-Net/DMX512 Control]] * [[blocks:custom_styling|Custom Styling with CSS]] * [[blocks:app-note:collection-feed|Displaying an External Data Source using Feeds]] * [[blocks:app-note:csvfeed|Rendering a local CSV file data using a Feed]] * [[blocks:app-note:textfile|Use a text file to provide some text data to Blocks]] * [[blocks:app-note:googlefeed|Rendering a Google spreadsheet data using a Feed]] * [[blocks:app-note:nexmosphere|Use Nexmosphere sensors and actuators]] * [[blocks:app-note:detailed-spot-information|Listing Detailed Spot Information]] * [[blocks:app-note:google-calendar|Use a Google Calendar as a feed in Blocks]] ==== Common set-up instructions ==== Many application notes come with a complete set of files (commonly referred to as a "Blocks root") for running the application on your own blocks server. To use such a Blocks root, do as follows: - Download the .zip file. - Unzip it into a suitable location on the computer you use as your Blocks server (may be your own Mac/Windows laptop, or a Linux-based server). - Stop Blocks if it is running on that computer. - Make sure you have a file named //PIXILAB-Blocks-config.yml// in your home directory, containing your preferred Blocks settings, as described [[blocks:server_configuration_file|here]]. - Locate or create a //root// entry in that configuration file, specifying the path to the application note directory unzipped in step 2 above, as described [[blocks:server_configuration_file#alternative_blocks_data_location|here]]. - Start Blocks. :!: If you don't already have a configuration file in your home directory, you can download this {{:blocks:app-note:start:pixilab-blocks-config.yml.zip|generic configuration file}}. Most application notes also require that you re-assign the Display Spot used in the example to a display or browser window of yout choice. Do so by double clicking the Display Spot in the editor and select yout spot's ID under "Re-assign to Display Spot".